Easily Pay for Groceries at all Pick n Pay Tills Using Bitcoin

South Africans who have a Luno wallet will be able to pay at Pick n Pay with crypto in one easy step by simply scanning a QR code. Crypto payments have been available at over 1 500 Pick n Pay stores since February 2023. But the payment process required customers to download two apps to

How Payment Technology is Changing the Rulebook on SA Retail – RCS

The countrywide adoption of Bitcoin payments by industry titan, Pick ‘n Pay, late last year, heralded the first among many new developments in the payment technology landscape. The past few years have seen the proliferation of new methods of transacting, with local fintech innovators earning their place within the new-generation payments ecosystem. Consumer credit has

Visa, Bantu Collaborate to Foster Financial Inclusion in Africa, Other Economies

Visa, the world leader in digital payments, is collaborating with the Bantu Blockchain Foundation (Bantu), custodians of the Bantu Blockchain Network infrastructure, to connect its digital asset-linked Visa cards to the Bantu Network Token (XBN), a utility token developed by Bantu to facilitate fast and secure transactions on the Bantu blockchain. This integration is expected to directly