Pay Contactless Using NFC-smartphone Supermarket Chain

Fidobank, Visa and Retail Group (supermarkets “Great Kyshenya” hypermarkets “Velmart” and stores “at home”, “VC Express”) have implemented the possibility of Visa contactless payments across all networks Retail Group stores. In order to better acquaint with the possibilities of the Ukrainians Visa payments based on cloud technology in supermarkets Retail Group runs a promotional campaign for all consumers. To participate in the campaign, you need to install on your phone with Android 4.4 operating system or higher The PAY application with the Google the Play , complete the registration process and the issue of digital pre-paid Visa cards Fidobank. In the future, consumers will be able to pay with your phone at all contactless POS-terminals, including self-checkout, established in each of the 66 stores Retail Group networks. For the release of the digital pre-paid Visa cards Fidobank not need to go to a bank branch, the card is delivered directly to your phone. Each user will receive 50 UAH on account of digital cards Visa Fidobank activation and the first payment with the application The PAY and refund in the amount of 5% of the amount of each subsequent purchase made ​​via NFC-smartphone in the supermarket “Great Kyshenya”, “VC Express “and” Velmart “during the campaign. The process of NFC-smartphone payment is extremely simple: you must bring your smartphone with activated application The PAY to the contactless terminal at a distance of no more than 5 cm for operations in the amount not exceeding 200 USD, consumers do not need to enter a PIN or sign the receipt, and for transactions in excess. 200 UAH, you must enter the PIN, which they will receive on your mobile phone via SMS during the installation and activation of applications The PAY. The campaign runs from 10 March to 10 June 2016 within the framework of the first program in Ukraine Visa Cloud-Based payments (Visa cloud payments), implemented by Visa and Fidobank. Official rules of participation in the action “Zamіni Gamanets phone”.


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