ATM Industry Association Announces New Membership Designed Specifically for Financial Institutions

The ATM Industry Association (ATMIA) announced the release of a new membership level designed specifically for small- and mid-size financial institutions.  It includes a package of benefits of particular value to FIs with less than $100 billion in assets.  More than 50 of the world’s largest banks, and 9 out of the top 10 in the U.S., are already active members of ATMIA, a financial industry trade association that provides its members with ATM industry best practices, education, advocacy, and networking opportunities.

“Most community and regional financial institutions face the same sort of challenges that Tier 1 banks do, but lack the depth of resources to address them,” said David Tente, Executive Director, USA, Canada & Americas. “ATMIA offers its members a library of operational best practices, access to security assets, direct connections to ATM branding and outsourcing resources – and more.”

An ATMIA Financial Institution level membership will provide benefits that your ATM team uses every day.  Plug into the Consortium for Next Gen ATMs, an initiative that will lower the cost of operating ATMs while adding functionality.  A subscription to a newly launched ATM crime database, through the ATM Security Association, is also included.  Train new staff on ATM operational procedures using the ATMIA Academy – two courses annually are included with your membership.

The number of bank and credit union branches is continuing to decline, placing more and more pressure on the efficient operation of your self-service channel.  And at the same time, your organization may be dealing with reduced staff.  A Financial Institution membership in ATMIA puts a multitude of resources at your fingertips that are worth many times more than the cost of an annual membership.  Reach out today to our membership team for more information.

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