MyBank and Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (AgID) announced that the MyBank payment option, which allows bank customers across Europe to pay online by using their own bank account, has been activated on the payment hub “Nodo dei Pagamenti-SPC”, a new platform that connects the Italian public institutions with payment service providers and allows citizens and businesses to make transactions in favour of 70,000 public institutions across Italy, ranging from schools and hospitals to central and local administrations.
“Online payments for public services are an essential step towards modernising our country. MyBank can be a valuable asset to reach this objective, allowing citizens and businesses all over Europe to carry out payments to the Italian Public Administration via an immediate, simple and secure payment method. One of the advantages for Payment Service Providers is that if they participate in MyBank they are automatically interoperable with the Nodo dei Pagamenti hub managed by the Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale,” says Maria Pia Giovannini, responsible, Public Administration Area – AgID.
“We have conceived MyBank as a round table initiative open to all individuals, businesses, local or central administrations that operate on the web. In line with this vision, we have worked together with AgID to support both the Italian and European Digital Agendas,” says Giorgio Ferrero, Chairman of PRETA S.A.S. “MyBank offers a rich value proposition, covering both the payment or check-out phase of a web transaction and the check-in phase, where we will support e-identity checks in the near future. Thus, we are looking at a wide range of online transaction services that MyBank can and will provide to customers across Europe while ensuring operational robustness, identity protection, efficiency, simplicity and a standardised user experience.”
In terms of solutions for the check-out phase, MyBank currently offers the initiation of SEPA Credit Transfers and, since 27th October 2014, the set-up of e-mandates for SEPA Core Direct Debits. MyBank will start to support further direct debit e-mandates,such as in the business-to-business space,in the near future.
Regarding the delivery of solutions for the check-in phase, MyBank is working on adding the validation of customer information, such as age verification, to its service portfolio.