ATMIA and Calleo Look at Emerging Payments in Africa in New White Paper

ATMIA has today announced the publication of a study on emerging payments trends in rapidly expanding Africa.

The emerging payments ecosystem in Africa is one of the most dynamic and fastest growing in the world. The rising middle class will spawn new consumer markets and, with them, the need for a variety of modern payment methods to complement the ubiquity of cash. With new technologies, a growing middle class, government initiatives, and many drivers towards greater inclusion, Africa’s payment systems are changing rapidly.

In this new whitepaper, entitled ‘Emerging payments in emerging markets: Africa’, ATMIA looks at payment trends in several of the continent’s major markets. Produced in conjunction with Calleo, a business to business research consultancy, the study describes the growth of various payment systems in Africa from increasing numbers of cardholders to the growth of mobile payments and agency networks.

“It’s a dynamic, fast developing picture of growth in payments, an unfolding story that has only just begun,” commented Mike Lee, CEO of ATMIA. “If you want to understand the framework for the future of payments in Africa, Calleo’s paper is a great resource.”

Andrew Dean, Managing Director at Calleo, added “The payments industry in Africa is not a single story but rather a mixture of successes and early developments to support in-country and cross-border payments requirements and to foster broader economic inclusion through cash and electronic payments”.


The ATM Industry Association, established in 1997, is a non-profit global trade association with over 5,500 members in 65 countries.

As an independent, non-profit trade association, engaged in non-competitive promotion of our industry, our mission is: to promote ATM convenience, growth and usage worldwide; to protect the ATM industry’s assets, interests, good name and public trust; and to provide education, best practices, political voice and networking opportunities for member organizations.

If you wish to join, please contact Sharon Lane at .

About Calleo

Calleo is an independent provider of research and content marketing services operating in the banking, payments and ICT industries in sub-Saharan Africa. Working with banks, card associations and solution providers Calleo provides insight to inform business development decision making and provide thought leadership marketing content.

Contact Calleo at

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