TIS Further Expands Its Cloud Platform with SEPA Direct Debit Mandate Management

The management of customer master data and mandate data in one central, multibank and multi-ERP-capable payment transaction solution is especially important within heterogeneous landscapes.

Due to the introduction of SEPA Direct Debit (SDD), mandate management, i.e. an overview of approved direct debit authorisations, will become a necessary “To Do” for every company to implement. SEPA makes much greater demands than those associated with the currently used direct debit system. For this reason, TIS in Walldorf, Germany, has further expanded its cloud-based payment transaction platform with a solution for mandate management.

For companies with high volumes of debiting authorisations, SEPA poses an especially large challenge. In the future, both existing and new debiting authorisations must be supplemented with SEPA-specific information. This may entail resource-intensive and complex restructuring of mandate management. It must be implemented in a heterogeneous ERP landscape, existing mandates must be reviewed regarding validity under SEPA, and future procedures for obtaining new mandates must be specified, as well as many other aspects.

That’s why TIS further expanded its cloud-based payment transactions platform to include mandate management. In doing so, mandate management is completely liberated from the ERP system(s) and bundled in a payment transaction solution that runs as a central process. The TIS Cloud Platform thus enables companies to centralise their mandate management in an audit-proof manner and irrespective of the ERP system(s) used.

The TIS Cloud Platform meets the latest security standards (certified to ISO 27001). Designed as completely web-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), the solution is ready within a few days for productive use throughout an enterprise. No resource-intensive IT project work is required. Existing data can simply be imported; SAP-certified interfaces permit deep SAP ERP integration. Benefit of the TIS direct debit authorisation solution: There is no need to adapt various ERP systems, the customers profit from lower process costs and IT costs as well as benefiting from higher transparency, visibility and control of all enterprise-relevant aspects of mandate management.

Jörg Wiemer, CEO of TIS: “Mandate management is one further step in the implementation of our strategy to provide our customers with numerous value-creating services on our Cloud Platform, and which are both rapidly available and require no long and tedious IT projects. Proceeding in this manner, we expand upon our position as provider of the leading cloud platform for payment transactions.”

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